Friday, February 26, 2010

What would be the results of stripping out black hair color to try and get your natural?

Ok so about a month or two ago my daughter who has a natural level 2 medium brown hair color, thought it would be a smart to dye her hair dark brown since the sun had faded her natural hair color. She got it professionally dyed but instead of turning dark brown her hair turned a dark level 2 almost black!! She let it grow out about an inch and got her routs re- died with a semi permanent just to hide them while she decides to either get her stylist to color correct her hair and strip out the dark color to get her natural or let it grow out and keep semi permanent dying her routes. She has very long hair and this will take forever. She is really unhappy with the dark color and we were both wondering what the results would be if she went ahead and stripped the color out?What would be the results of stripping out black hair color to try and get your natural?
its very bad to strip your hair. i would suggest either letting it grow out or using a product called color vanish. it really works! but make sure (just in case) that you buy alot of mouisterizing shampoos! hope i helped! heres a link to it

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