Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Temp. black hair color?

I have herd that it wont wash out all the way and will leave ur hair just a very faded black. Is this true? my hair right now is like a mahogany red (dyed). I have also herd that it just makes it a little bit darker by the time is as washed out as much as it can. if i dont like it can I dye it back to the red that I have now once it is almost washed out or will the color not take because of the black?Temp. black hair color?
Temporary hair color is hair color that washes out after one shampoo...also know as a rinse. I think what you're talking about using is semi-permanent hair color which takes several shampoos to fade out. Black hair color is very tricky because it uses a heavy dye load, and sometimes just fades a little bit, but still stays dark. You cannot color over hair that has been colored to try to make it lighter, because color does not lift color. You can only make it darker. So, you will have to go to a salon to have it removed if you want it lighter.Temp. black hair color?
if your hair is naturally dark most of it will was out. but next time you dye it you may need to do it a few times to get it all one color.
depends on the the dye try a little bit on a tiny bit of your hair to test....
go and ask ur hairdresser darl =]

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